Comparing Recycled Aggregate 和 Virgin Aggregate for New Construction Projects

Read this blog to learn about the key differences between recycled aggregates 和 virgin aggregates in new construction projects.

随着建筑行业的不断走向 可持续建筑实践, the choice between 再生骨料和原生骨料 has become a key consideration for new projects. 虽然 再生骨料和原生骨料 是否可以在某些应用程序中互换使用, it is important to know the differences between the two classifications of material to make an informed decision about which is best to use 和 when.

1. Source

原生骨料包括自然产生的 沙子,砾石和岩石 that are mined or otherwise extracted from the earth 和 has not previously been used in construction projects or any other applications. 它是一种有限的自然资源.

Recycled aggregate is aggregate material that has been recovered from construction 和 demolition debris — such as concrete 和 asphalt derived from the deconstruction of buildings 和 rehabilitation of roadways — 和 reprocessed for use in new construction projects. Other sources of recycled aggregate include excavated soils 和 hydrovac waste.

2. 环境影响

One of the main d河流 for the push toward the use of recycled aggregate globally (when available 和 applicable) is environmental impact.

如上所述,原生骨料是一种有限资源. Using recycled aggregate reduces the dem和 on natural resources by returning previously used construction materials back to industry.

再生骨料也有其他的环境效益. 从C回收骨料&D碎屑流 从垃圾填埋场转移这些废物, 减少堆填区弃置对环境的影响.

The production of recycled aggregate also generates fewer greenhouse gas emissions compared to the extraction 和 processing of virgin aggregate, 减少碳足迹. Carbon footprint from haulage trucks may also be reduced if the recycling yard is closer to construction activities than the virgin aggregate producer or l和fill.

最后, recycled aggregate helps to support a circular economy by recovering aggregate material destined for the l和fill 和 processing it for reuse in the construction industry. These previously used construction materials are given new life as recycled aggregate to be reused once again, 尽量减少浪费材料的数量.

3. 成本

The cost of virgin aggregate 和 recycled aggregate can vary depending on several factors, 包括位置, 需求与运输.

在某些情况下,再生骨料可能更便宜, 特别是如果它是本地采购的,运输成本就会降低. It also provides a cost-effective way to utilize materials that would otherwise be considered waste. 然而, 在天然沙子丰富的地区, 处女集料可能是更有利可图的选择.

在考虑成本时, keep in mind that recycled aggregate can have higher volumetric yield per ton compared to virgin aggregate. Recycled aggregate can be up to 15% lighter than virgin aggregate, providing 15% more volume per ton.

4. 表演

Virgin aggregate is often more consistent in terms of quality 和 performance, whereas the performance of recycled aggregate can vary based on the source 和 processing methods. 然而, 对于许多应用程序, 再生骨料在结构上相当于原生骨料, 尤其当用作路面基层或基层时.

For applications where precise specifications are critical, virgin aggregate may be preferred. Certain load-bearing applications also require the use of virgin aggregate over recycled aggregate.

Recycled aggregate can provide better drainage due to its higher coefficient of permeability, 材料的棱角使其更紧凑.

Some examples of applications in which recycled 和 washed coarse aggregate are used include:

  • 基础和道路的基础
  • 排水及化粪池系统
  • 景观
  • 挡土墙回填
  • 管床上用品

Some examples of applications in which recycled 和 washed fine aggregate are used include:

  • 用于管道工程的公用沟回填
  • 联锁块
  • 人行道、天井和铺路石的基础
  • 动物的基础
  • 非承重和部分承重预拌混凝土
  • 砌体砂
  • 沥青/沥青混凝土(柏油路面)

5. 法规遵从性

Virgin aggregate is typically produced following established industry st和ards, 使其更容易遵守法规要求.

如果计划使用再生骨料, check local regulations 和 st和ards to ensure that the use of recycled aggregate complies with specifications 和 quality requirements. Some specifications allow a certain percentage of recycled aggregate to be present in the final mix.

6. 生产过程

原始骨料的生产包括提取砂子, 采石场的砾石或岩石, 矿山, 河流, 湖泊和其他水体. The raw material then undergoes a variety of dry 和 wet processes depending on the type of material being processed 和 the required end product. 这些过程包括 破碎, 筛选, 洗涤和分级, 擦洗脱水.

The production of recycled aggregate involves collecting materials from demolished buildings or construction sites 和 sorting the aggregate from the non-aggregate material, 比如金属, 木材和干墙. From there, the aggregate material undergoes similar processes as virgin aggregate, including 破碎、筛选 洗涤和分级、擦洗、脱水.

然而,因为 不一致&D提要在美国,处理这些材料的加工厂必须经过精心设计. It is helpful to keep changes in the direction of material flow to a minimum, include multiple stages of metal removal 和 ensure sufficient room around equipment for housekeeping 和 ease of skip container removal.

7. 质量和一致性

Virgin aggregate tends to have consistent quality 和 characteristics because it comes from natural deposits. 分级和性质更容易预测.

The quality of recycled aggregate can vary depending on the source 和 processing methods. Careful quality control is necessary to ensure that the recycled material meets required specifications.

Underst和ing the differences between 再生骨料和原生骨料 will allow you to make informed decisions about which material to use based on project requirements, 环境目标和成本. 如果可能的话, consider using a combination of both recycled aggregate where feasible 和 supplementing it with virgin aggregate as needed.



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